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法语专业学生, 德国, or 西班牙语 take 30 hours of foreign language courses at the advanced level in addition to courses selected from a broad, 均衡的课程,以满足大学和学院的通识教育要求.

B.A. 世界语言 & 文化


B.A. 世界语言 & 文化与教学执照


世界语言中的未成年人 & 文化

法语、德语、西班牙语、世界文化、阿拉伯语、欧洲研究、拉丁美洲研究、日语、 & 中国研究.

阿拉伯语课程是向学生介绍阿拉伯语言和文化的关键. 阿拉伯语是22个国家的官方语言, 它不仅是联合国的官方语言之一. Muslims around the world use 阿拉伯语 to read the holy Quran and conduct their religious ceremonies in 阿拉伯语 too. Proficiency in 阿拉伯语 allows the students to communicate in MSA and the Levantine dialect and prepares them to interact with the native speakers of the language in oversees programs. 这也使他们能够阅读古老的阿拉伯文字, 诗歌和散文, 除了翻译来自互联网的网站登录文章或其他官方文件. 我们的现代世界充满了国际事件, which require the knowledge of 阿拉伯语 to better analyze Middle Eastern events and gives our students better chances of employment in NGOs and government-related jobs.

该项目提供从初级课程开始的各种课程, 侧重于学习具有独特发音和形状的阿拉伯字母. 在这些课上, the students st艺术 getting used to writing from right to left and use their jaws in ways they didn't know possible, 通过发音深声门的阿拉伯字母. These unfamiliar beautiful sounds and shapes are usually mastered within the first few weeks by most of the students, 让他们的阿拉伯语学习之旅充满乐趣, 简单又令人兴奋的. These beginners' classes require no previous knowledge of 阿拉伯语 and are considered the base to the next levels. 在顺利完成这些课程后, the students are allowed to move to the more specific and content-based classes dealing with the culture, 文学,媒体和中东政治直到400级.


大约占世界人口的五分之一, 或者说超过10亿人, 我能说几种汉语, 使其成为世界上最常用的第一语言. 中华文明延续了数千年不间断的历史. This ancient culture has undergone a complex process of modernization and is poised to become a central player on the international stage of commerce and 政治. 作为美国最大的贸易伙伴之一, 中国正在成为世界第二大经济体.

你是否正在学习汉语以满足你的外语要求, 为来中国留学做准备, 辅修中国研究, 或者是为了你未来的职业生涯, this program of the 世界语言 and 文化 Dep艺术ment at bet8体育娱乐入口 offers you both curricular and extracurricular means to meet your goals. 本系开设各级中国语言文化课程, 中间, 先进的我, 高级II和中文主题.

所有课程都以学生为中心, 互动性和知识性, 通过多媒体教授语言要点,并在课堂上进行练习. Class activities include individual and group projects such as student-developed games and presentations, 学生们还通过看电影和练习书法来了解中国文化. 下课后, students can join ODU 中国人 文化 and Language Club and are also p艺术nered with native speakers to practice their language skills and to understand 中国人 culture.


你是否正在学习法语以满足你的外语要求, 为去法语国家留学做准备, 或主修/副修法语, 世界语言系的法语课程 & 文化为你提供课程和课外的手段来实现你的目标. 通过这些广泛的产品和机会, 我们的课程鼓励学生不仅要精通法语, 而是去了解文化, 历史, 文学, 政治, 法语世界的地理.

法语研究课程的重点是实用性, 在文化基础上熟练使用法语. 课程内容包括文学和更广泛的文化, 借鉴历史等领域, 哲学, 政治, 经济学, 还有艺术.



The 德国 Program in the Dep艺术ment of 世界语言 and 文化 offers you a great variety of curricular and extracurricular means to meet your academic, 专业, 个人目标—whether you are studying 德国 language and culture to fulfill your language requirement, 为在德语国家学习和工作做准备, 对于你的双学位, 主修或辅修德语,或者纯粹出于对德语的兴趣和好奇心.

我们所有的教师都是经验丰富的母语或接近母语的德语人士, 是德国人还是在德国生活过的人, 在德国工作和学习. 我们的课程以互动研讨会的形式教授,重点是听力, 说话, 阅读, 写作技巧以及跨文化能力, 是什么让学生在就业市场上脱颖而出. 作为我们项目的学生, 通过学习德国文学,您将获得实用和文化基础的德语能力, 哲学, 电影, 艺术, 网站登录以及历史等相关领域, 政治, 经济学, 还有艺术. Our courses have an interdisciplinary focus and are often cross-listed with other dep艺术ments and programs, 比如世界文化研究, 国际研究, 传播与戏剧艺术, 历史, 以及犹太人和不同信仰之间的理解. 在课堂之外进一步练习你的语言技能, 你可以利用ODU的语言学习中心, 参加我们的课外活动, 并参加当地电影院定期放映的德国电影 Naro.

A great strength of our 德国 program is that we teach small discussion-based classes which usually meet at least twice or even three times a week. 除了让学生们互相了解之外, 建立终身的友谊, 建立重要的职业关系网, 学习如何在团队中解决问题, 这种密集的形式允许学生与他们的导师密切合作. 作为ODU的一个小项目, we pride ourselves in knowing our students well and advising and mentoring them through every step of the way so that they achieve their academic, 专业, 个人目标.


学习日语将打开通往新地方和新可能性的大门. 我们的互动, proficiency-oriented classes aim to develop students' language skills and socio-cultural awareness and competencies. Students have many opportunities to practice their language skills and connect with 日本 speakers through class projects, 语言俱乐部, 以及全年的各种活动.

辅修日语是一种有趣和令人兴奋的冒险——它将显示你有决心, 毅力, 不要害怕挑战自己. 一路走来, 你会遇到并结交来自不同背景的朋友, 扩展你的世界观. 我们致力于培养具有批判性和创造性思维能力的全球公民, 有效的沟通者, 和优秀的合作者.


西班牙语 is spoken worldwide by more than 572 million people and is the official or co-official language in 21 countries, 联合国, 以及欧盟:它是世界上第三大使用语言, 美洲的第一个, 第二个在美国. 拥有超过5800万的使用者, 美国拥有世界上第二大讲西班牙语的人口.

在全球和国家一级, 熟练掌握西班牙语已成为许多专业领域不可或缺的优势. 你是否对全球变暖和海平面上升的影响感兴趣, 在国内和国际社会问题上, 或者在商业创业生涯中, 健康, 法律, 社会科学, 工程, 美国政府, 教育, 西班牙语让你有机会领先一步. 学习 西班牙语 lets you develop the language skills and cultural awareness needed to successfully interact in a wide range of situations.

西班牙语被认为是母语为英语的人最容易学习的语言之一. 西班牙语 is a great way to strengthen your CV and improve your national and international career prospects when paired with another B.A还是B.学位. The Dep艺术ment's knowledgeable instructors and a methodology focused on language proficiency and intercultural communication, 有充足的机会在课堂内外与不同的母语人士互动, 能提高你的语言技能和文化知识吗.


世界文化研究欢迎您的创新, 跨学科项目,探索全球挑战之间的相互关系, 人类社会, 和权力. At ODU we offer both a Major in 世界文化研究 and a Minor in 世界文化:价值观 and Visions.

Our program is designed to connect individual student interests with a broad range of courses on global issues, and to promote the development and application of skills in intercultural understanding and fluency that are necessary in today's global marketplace. 我们的课程欢迎来自ODU许多学位课程的学生以及特邀演讲嘉宾. Students work closely with faculty mentors to build a specialized area of focus that will contribute to their graduate 教育 or future career paths. 世界文化研究的基础在今天几乎所有领域都有应用, 从工程到国际商务. 学生们也追求教育事业, 非营利部门, 人权倡导与国际发展.


The mission of the Foreign Language 教学 Licensure program is to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to teach a World Language within the Pre-K through Grade 12 environment. The need of proficiency in more than one language is of critical importance in order to make an impact in today's global world. This program is designed for prospective teachers and offers a great variety of curricular and extracurricular means to meet students' 专业 goals. 有了这个学位, 学生将达到西班牙语的熟练程度和文化能力, 法国, 或者通过文学学习德语, 哲学, 电影, 和艺术, 以及相关领域,如历史, 政治, 经济学, 时事网站登录.

Students in this program will be required to complete courses in both the Dep艺术ment of 世界语言 and the Dep艺术ment of 教学 and 学习. 这些课程包括法语、德语或西班牙语,以及教育课程. 在他们学习结束的时候, students will be placed in the teacher candidate internship and will have fulfilled all requirements for temporary teacher certification with the State of Virginia. 毕业后,学生将准备好自信地步入自己的课堂.


阿拉伯语课程是向学生介绍阿拉伯语言和文化的关键. 阿拉伯语是22个国家的官方语言, 它不仅是联合国的官方语言之一. Muslims around the world use 阿拉伯语 to read the holy Quran and conduct their religious ceremonies in 阿拉伯语 too. Proficiency in 阿拉伯语 allows the students to communicate in MSA and the Levantine dialect and prepares them to interact with the native speakers of the language in oversees programs. 这也使他们能够阅读古老的阿拉伯文字, 诗歌和散文, 除了翻译来自互联网的网站登录文章或其他官方文件. 我们的现代世界充满了国际事件, which require the knowledge of 阿拉伯语 to better analyze Middle Eastern events and gives our students better chances of employment in NGOs and government-related jobs.

该项目提供从初级课程开始的各种课程, 侧重于学习具有独特发音和形状的阿拉伯字母. 在这些课上, the students st艺术 getting used to writing from right to left and use their jaws in ways they didn't know possible, 通过发音深声门的阿拉伯字母. These unfamiliar beautiful sounds and shapes are usually mastered within the first few weeks by most of the students, 让他们的阿拉伯语学习之旅充满乐趣, 简单又令人兴奋的. These beginners' classes require no previous knowledge of 阿拉伯语 and are considered the base to the next levels. 在顺利完成这些课程后, the students are allowed to move to the more specific and content-based classes dealing with the culture, 文学,媒体和中东政治直到400级.


大约占世界人口的五分之一, 或者说超过10亿人, 我能说几种汉语, 使其成为世界上最常用的第一语言. 中华文明延续了数千年不间断的历史. This ancient culture has undergone a complex process of modernization and is poised to become a central player on the international stage of commerce and 政治. 作为美国最大的贸易伙伴之一, 中国正在成为世界第二大经济体.

你是否正在学习汉语以满足你的外语要求, 为来中国留学做准备, 辅修中国研究, 或者是为了你未来的职业生涯, this program of the 世界语言 and 文化 Dep艺术ment at bet8体育娱乐入口 offers you both curricular and extracurricular means to meet your goals. 本系开设各级中国语言文化课程, 中间, 先进的我, 高级II和中文主题.

所有课程都以学生为中心, 互动性和知识性, 通过多媒体教授语言要点,并在课堂上进行练习. Class activities include individual and group projects such as student-developed games and presentations, 学生们还通过看电影和练习书法来了解中国文化. 下课后, students can join ODU 中国人 文化 and Language Club and are also p艺术nered with native speakers to practice their language skills and to understand 中国人 culture.


你是否正在学习法语以满足你的外语要求, 为去法语国家留学做准备, 或主修/副修法语, 世界语言系的法语课程 & 文化为你提供课程和课外的手段来实现你的目标. 通过这些广泛的产品和机会, 我们的课程鼓励学生不仅要精通法语, 而是去了解文化, 历史, 文学, 政治, 法语世界的地理.

法语研究课程的重点是实用性, 在文化基础上熟练使用法语. 课程内容包括文学和更广泛的文化, 借鉴历史等领域, 哲学, 政治, 经济学, 还有艺术.



The 德国 Program in the Dep艺术ment of 世界语言 and 文化 offers you a great variety of curricular and extracurricular means to meet your academic, 专业, 个人目标—whether you are studying 德国 language and culture to fulfill your language requirement, 为在德语国家学习和工作做准备, 对于你的双学位, 主修或辅修德语,或者纯粹出于对德语的兴趣和好奇心.

我们所有的教师都是经验丰富的母语或接近母语的德语人士, 是德国人还是在德国生活过的人, 在德国工作和学习. 我们的课程以互动研讨会的形式教授,重点是听力, 说话, 阅读, 写作技巧以及跨文化能力, 是什么让学生在就业市场上脱颖而出. 作为我们项目的学生, 通过学习德国文学,您将获得实用和文化基础的德语能力, 哲学, 电影, 艺术, 网站登录以及历史等相关领域, 政治, 经济学, 还有艺术. Our courses have an interdisciplinary focus and are often cross-listed with other dep艺术ments and programs, 比如世界文化研究, 国际研究, 传播与戏剧艺术, 历史, 以及犹太人和不同信仰之间的理解. 在课堂之外进一步练习你的语言技能, 你可以利用ODU的语言学习中心, 参加我们的课外活动, 并参加当地电影院定期放映的德国电影 Naro.

A great strength of our 德国 program is that we teach small discussion-based classes which usually meet at least twice or even three times a week. 除了让学生们互相了解之外, 建立终身的友谊, 建立重要的职业关系网, 学习如何在团队中解决问题, 这种密集的形式允许学生与他们的导师密切合作. 作为ODU的一个小项目, we pride ourselves in knowing our students well and advising and mentoring them through every step of the way so that they achieve their academic, 专业, 个人目标.


学习日语将打开通往新地方和新可能性的大门. 我们的互动, proficiency-oriented classes aim to develop students' language skills and socio-cultural awareness and competencies. Students have many opportunities to practice their language skills and connect with 日本 speakers through class projects, 语言俱乐部, 以及全年的各种活动.

辅修日语是一种有趣和令人兴奋的冒险——它将显示你有决心, 毅力, 不要害怕挑战自己. 一路走来, 你会遇到并结交来自不同背景的朋友, 扩展你的世界观. 我们致力于培养具有批判性和创造性思维能力的全球公民, 有效的沟通者, 和优秀的合作者.


西班牙语 is spoken worldwide by more than 572 million people and is the official or co-official language in 21 countries, 联合国, 以及欧盟:它是世界上第三大使用语言, 美洲的第一个, 第二个在美国. 拥有超过5800万的使用者, 美国拥有世界上第二大讲西班牙语的人口.

在全球和国家一级, 熟练掌握西班牙语已成为许多专业领域不可或缺的优势. 你是否对全球变暖和海平面上升的影响感兴趣, 在国内和国际社会问题上, 或者在商业创业生涯中, 健康, 法律, 社会科学, 工程, 美国政府, 教育, 西班牙语让你有机会领先一步. 学习 西班牙语 lets you develop the language skills and cultural awareness needed to successfully interact in a wide range of situations.

西班牙语被认为是母语为英语的人最容易学习的语言之一. 西班牙语 is a great way to strengthen your CV and improve your national and international career prospects when paired with another B.A还是B.学位. The Dep艺术ment's knowledgeable instructors and a methodology focused on language proficiency and intercultural communication, 有充足的机会在课堂内外与不同的母语人士互动, 能提高你的语言技能和文化知识吗.


世界文化研究欢迎您的创新, 跨学科项目,探索全球挑战之间的相互关系, 人类社会, 和权力. At ODU we offer both a Major in 世界文化研究 and a Minor in 世界文化:价值观 and Visions.

Our program is designed to connect individual student interests with a broad range of courses on global issues, and to promote the development and application of skills in intercultural understanding and fluency that are necessary in today's global marketplace. 我们的课程欢迎来自ODU许多学位课程的学生以及特邀演讲嘉宾. Students work closely with faculty mentors to build a specialized area of focus that will contribute to their graduate 教育 or future career paths. 世界文化研究的基础在今天几乎所有领域都有应用, 从工程到国际商务. 学生们也追求教育事业, 非营利部门, 人权倡导与国际发展.


The mission of the Foreign Language 教学 Licensure program is to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to teach a World Language within the Pre-K through Grade 12 environment. The need of proficiency in more than one language is of critical importance in order to make an impact in today's global world. This program is designed for prospective teachers and offers a great variety of curricular and extracurricular means to meet students' 专业 goals. 有了这个学位, 学生将达到西班牙语的熟练程度和文化能力, 法国, 或者通过文学学习德语, 哲学, 电影, 和艺术, 以及相关领域,如历史, 政治, 经济学, 时事网站登录.

Students in this program will be required to complete courses in both the Dep艺术ment of 世界语言 and the Dep艺术ment of 教学 and 学习. 这些课程包括法语、德语或西班牙语,以及教育课程. 在他们学习结束的时候, students will be placed in the teacher candidate internship and will have fulfilled all requirements for temporary teacher certification with the State of Virginia. 毕业后,学生将准备好自信地步入自己的课堂.


